How to know if "White Bread" is Healthy vs. Not
Classic white bread is a tricky one. There are a lot of unhealthy, corn syrup added, sodium packed, "I don't know what the heck is in this", brands of white breads. I wish I could give you some riveting advice on 10 different healthy classic white bread options but truly there is not a lot out there. (Unless it is homemade at a fresh bakery!)
Sprouted grain breads, sour dough breads, rye breads, etc are a different story. Which we will go over in another weeks post. This week I am talking about true "white breads".
Here is my tip! Use this guide of "Healthiest", "Healthier", and "Don't Buy" when going to the store. I hope this gives you some visuals on what to look for in the daunting bread section!
#1: Make your own at home so you know exactly what is going into the bread.
Here is one of my favorite recipes: Don't Waste the Crumbs White Sandwich Bread
#2: Dave's Killer "White Bread Done Right"
What makes these the healthiest?
Known ingredients that we can recognize
Organic Whole Grains
No Corn Syrup
No Bleached Flour
4g or less of sugar
<10% DV of Sodium per serving
(maybe not the healthiest... but healthier than others)
What makes these the healthier?
No Corn Syrup
No Bleached Flours
<10% DV for Sodium
4g or less of sugar
*Sodium for Rustik is 17% DV but has minimal ingredients in preparation of bread
(ones to not keep in the house)
What makes these unhealthy?
High Fructose Corn Syrup*
Any questions about a classic white bread? Don't hesitate to reach out and ask!
*"High fructose corn syrup is a sweetener that manufacturers make from corn starch. As with other sugars, it can cause tooth decay, obesity, and metabolic syndrome when a person consumes it in large quantities." -Source